Saving money on digital art software

I have wonderful news to share today.  I remember having gone through available free software (freewares) before I start off Sweetened Simplicity workshop for the sake of those who do not wish to have  Photoshop.  I was looking for freeware equivalent of Photoshop but could not find any good candidates.  One has this tool but lacks another.  Usually those free software do not have adequate number of tools.  

Today I received a message from Florence, a new member on our Ning network.  To answer her question of if GIMP software (available free) can be used for my course, I found out that YES it appears to be a rather reliable substitute for Photoshop.  (I am still testing it of course).

What is GIMP?
GIMP can be a very good Photoshop alternative and it is a free to download software available on the Internet.  So I have started using it.  Many tools and functions from Photoshop are available on GIMP.  It is suitable for both editing and creating new artworks with the availability of required tools.  
SURPRISE! SURPRISE! Photoshop Elements doesn’t have a pen tool but our free GIMP has a pen tool.  

OK what are the downsides?  The interface is different from that of Photoshop.  So if you are very used to Photoshop then you might feel a bit uncomfortable at the start.  But of course with practice, you could get more comfortable.   

If you want to know more about the software, visit the link here please! 
Check the pros and cons of this software on this link here.

I feel very grateful to people and organisations that make such software.  PLUS, most importantly special thanks to Florence for bringing attention to GIMP.  

Sweetened Simplicity gets even more affordable!  Less cost for learning materials.
Now in order to enjoy creating beautiful dolls, you don’t need to invest in a tablet (££$$) or even in expensive software or subscription.  So I can happily claim that if you have a computer, a mouse and a creative mind, you are already set to start the course. Learn more about Sweetened Simplicity art course.

My tutorials will still be in Photoshop though.  Don’t worry about the differences since functions and tools are similar on both software.  If you still have Photoshop, you are already in a good position.  Although there won’t be tutorials on GIMP you could still easily follow my tutorials (which are in Photoshop) with GIMP.

The GIMP software can be downloaded from 

I will be creating a new doll face or artwork with this software to share with you on one of these days.  
With best wishes and hugs,

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